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Welcome Dr. Quon!

South Edmonton 780-438-0045West Edmonton 780-481-3216

IV Sedation in Edmonton

Remove the stress from your dental visit with IV sedation. We provide several levels of sedation to suit your personal needs. Please note that IV and oral sedatives will leave you impaired and legally unable to drive so you will need to arrange transportation home from our office.

Woman with Pillow

IV Sedation

IV, or intravenous sedation, lets you be completely sedated during your procedure. The sedative produces a deep level of relaxation. You’ll stay calm and relaxed, and you won’t be aware of or remember your treatment.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation produces a moderate level of relaxation that wears off quickly after your appointment. You may be aware of your surroundings, but you will remain calm during your treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a common dental sedative. It produces a mild, euphoric level of sedation and it wears off very quickly after your treatment. You will be able to drive after nitrous sedation.

Call us today to learn more about our sedation options or to make an appointment.